Custom Anodized Colors For Your Metallic Parts. Do you find plain silver or mild steel parts boring to look at? Do you want your products to pop with vibrancy and a splash of colours? If you answered yes, then anodized colors could be the best answer for your problems. The Aitemoss piezas troqueladas El recubrimiento anodizado está diseñado para proteger la apariencia del metal a través de la pigmentación del color y, lo más importante, permitirle protegerlo contra daños por abrasión.
Anodice sus piezas de metal con técnicas de última generación y observe cómo renacen de maneras que nunca antes había visto, en cualquier lugar. Beneficios de la operación de recubrimiento No importa si necesita aluminio prístino o piezas de plástico personalizadas acabados para ayudar a que sus productos funcionen mejor y se vean mejor. Nuestro equipo de producción con experiencia tiene años en esta industria. Con toda nuestra tecnología de vanguardia y metales de alta calidad, podemos garantizar que sus piezas metálicas no solo se verán geniales sino que también serán lo suficientemente fuertes como para resistir el paso del tiempo.
Entonces, es posible que necesites un atributo único para tus piezas metálicas que las haga diferentes de las demás. Con nuestro Aitemoss piezas troqueladas personalizadas Con este servicio que viene en varios colores anodizados, obtendrá una verdadera solución de torneado llave en mano para todos aquellos componentes que necesitan alguna personalización del pintado. Tiene una amplia variedad de colores y todos los acabados mate, brillante o metálico disponibles para producir sus propias creaciones únicas en pequeñas cantidades y en lotes más grandes. Nuestro objetivo es brindarle soporte completo mientras materializamos sus ideas y las ampliamos.
Aproveche nuestras capacidades de cambio de color anodizado premium para mejorar la apariencia y darle una sensación verdaderamente elegante a su piezas de fundición personalizadas. Seleccione entre acabados mate, brillante o satinado para sus piezas metálicas. Trabajaremos con usted para hacer realidad su visión y ayudarlo en el proceso de gradación de color para que todo luzca genial en la marca.
These anodized colors add to metal parts, as well improving their appearance serve some structural purpose by creating lasting durability. During the anodizing process a protective oxide layer is formed on the metal surface to improve corrosion resistance and wear properties. As a result the parts will last virtually forever and look good several years down the road. Aitemoss piezas de acero inoxidable anodizado de aluminio are also a great option for people who want to prevent their metal pieces from getting ugly with time, as they protect the beauty of your parts and make them last longer
That is why our color anodizing service allows you to turn your aluminum parts from standard natural metal appearance into something much more unique. The sheer number of colours and finishes enable this to be a bold statement on your components. With our world class anodizing combined with quality materials your parts it will not only look great but also last many years. So, why wait any longer? Contact us now to learn more about Anodized Colors and take the first step in elevating your work with a touch of class.
Our technology is Anodized colors parts turning service by professional designers. Our designers have experience in the field of mechanical design. Some of them have more than 20 years of experience in design. They have worked on process improvement and fixtures, as well as equipment design and much more.
More than 14 years of experience in processing as well as machining equipment that is complete, including CNC milling, CNC lathe, grinding machine Anodized colors parts turning service, wire cutting, and more. Multi-process equipment is our forte.
We have a total quality control and Anodized colors parts turning service participation. From the initial quality prevention to the more advanced product, it is a stringent quality process. Testing of the product is split between raw material testing tests for processing, and the final test. Our testing equipment is extremely comprehensive, the most important equipment is CMM projector, altimeter tester, spectrometer and the list goes on. We have a variety of foreign-funded and domestic companies. It also has passed the various layers of audits.
We have a highly skilled Anodized colors parts turning service team as well as a huge source pool of parts that are standard. We also outsource surface treatment and heat treatments.