Si vous avez toujours voulu plier du métal pour obtenir des formes ou des objets amusants, être capable d'apprendre à plier de la tôle est une excellente compétence pour cela. Aitemoss pieces en metal Cela peut sembler écrasant au début, mais avec de la passion, de la pratique et de bons outils, vous pouvez devenir maître de votre propre créativité beaucoup plus rapidement.
If you want to start bending sheet metal, it's worthwhile investing in some tools first. For this, a great help is tin snips and metal brake. Using tin snips scissors that cut metal is how the hot tip can be shaped in exact proportions for your project. Conversely, a metal brake has the feel of an overgrown paper cutter and places more slowly as compared with other traditional bending methods used for thin sheets.
Il existe deux méthodes de base pour plier le métal : le pliage à l’air et le pliage par le bas. La flexion de l'air est un type de coque formée qui permet en principe de plier cet arrangement les uns sur les autres, avec des sommets de puissance entre eux. D'un autre côté, utiliser un dé pour plonger Aitemoss métal CNC dans une vallée, créant ainsi un autre effet connu sous le nom de courbure du fond. Vous devrez expérimenter les deux approches, et réfléchir sur les bases de votre projet. Comment procéder dans ce scénario ?
Une fois que vous êtes plus à l’aise avec vos capacités de pliage de tôle, commencez à créer des formes courbes. Lorsqu'il s'agit de plier du métal, une cintreuse de sections peut être utile pour courber avec précision les courbures de votre travail du métal. Si vous n'avez pas cet Aitemoss usinage CNC des métaux, alors un marteau et un sac de sable seront mieux utilisés pour façonner les métaux selon vos besoins.
Specialized tools such as metal forming tools and custom die molds become necessary, for projects involving intricate shapes like car parts or furniture. These tools allow you to make exact shapes and angles relevant to your design requirements. Sheet fabrication de produits métalliques requires exactness, and showcasing the right spot with perfect folding is paramount.
Whenever you are choosing a machine for your plier la tôle work, be sure when it comes to safety. As an amateur, you should begin with basic equipment for example tin snips and a metal brake. As you become more and more experienced, consider the possibility of adding with an advanced tools like a rolling machine or metal forming tool depending on both what your projects require them for as well as how often they will be used. Before you purchase any devices, remember the essential step of understanding your project needs.
In addition to Bending sheet metal and machining equipment, we have an experienced team of purchasing and we have accumulated a vast supplier pool for standard components and outsourcing surface treatment and heat treatment.
More than 14 years of Bending sheet metal in processing and a complete machine tool, including CNC milling, CNC lathe, grinding machine, EDM and wire cutting etc. We have an benefit for products that are multi-process.
We have experienced design engineers to Bending sheet metal our technology. Our designers are experienced in mechanical design. Some of our designers have more that 20 years experience in the field of design. They have been involved in process improvement and fixtures, as well as equipment design and much more.
The Bending sheet metal quality control is accomplished through full participation. The quality is maintained throughout the entire process, beginning with early warning of quality through the final product. The product testing is divided between raw material testing tests for processing, and the final test. Our testing equipment is extremely comprehensive. It comprises CMM Projectors, altimeters, projectors, hardness testers, spectrometers, etc. We have a variety of foreign and domestic-funded companies. We also have passed the various layers of audits.