Gach Catagóirí

Suzhou Aitemoss Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd


Prior to the advent of 5-axis technology, many manufacturers who had complex parts requiring mult-sided machining were forced work these slow manual machines. This old fashioned way resulted in repulsive turn-around time, and many a times high rejects of the parts produced. In some cases, the parts were not correct and had to be reshot which took time and wasted material. Now with 5-axis technology, we can produce accurate parts so much faster and more likely than not without any errors. Therefore, we can manufacture quality components within short order time.

So, what exactly is 5-axis machining? It is a unique method of cutting and designing items in five different directions. Each of these five directions can move in a number of different ways, which enables the machine to produce shapes that would be previously impossible on regular machines. This flexibility and the fact that it is a 5-axis process at its basis is what makes 5axis machining so powerful

    The Power of 5-Axis Machining

    The highlight of 5-axis machining is by far the tight tolerances. Long story short: Consequently, we need to be very precise in these processes; the reason is that they are applied on parts which are used by planes, cars and medical tools. 5-axis machines are accurate so waste of material is less and property environmentally friendly.

    Among the numerous other tools that work with 5-axis technology is a CNC machine. A CNC machine is a brainy tool because it works, and carries out tasks with computer numeric control (CNC) by performing indirect or direct functions.DIRECT FUNCTIONS: refers to these commands sent directly via the main processor of the CPU then executed INDIRECT FUNCTIONS; this entails an intermediate means were other devices like much micro-controller are situated between them(BY G-Code(SC Code->G-code interpreter)->Micro-processing unit(CPU)-->microcontroller -Axis(The drive:get 'step pulses to make axis move back & forth ) TAXIS moved), that converted g-codes from singular PC instead send.. refer to DRIVER(parameter may-contain current sensing-feedback loop + encoder mode operation will made more harmonic... normalized. CNC machines with 5-axis technology have furiously shaved off considerable machining time and engineers now can easily fabricate parts, much faster.

    Why choose Aitemoss 5axis?

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